Sales is a business of interacting with people. You’re job is take them from where they are, to where you want them to be. I’m going to walk you through some of the lies you sell yourself that are hindering you from progressing in real estate.

I’m too young:

I started a few months before my 21st birthday. No one I’ve helped has ever complained about my age. Sometimes maturity has nothing to do with age.

I’m too old for a career change/new skill:

You CAN teach an old dog new tricks. It really comes down to a matter of how important this is to you. Do you want to be average? Are you settling with what you’re doing instead of trying something you may love?

I don’t have the finances to afford to buy real estate:

There are cheap (not free) ways to get started. If you have time, you can get deals. If you have drive, you can get deals. The money is the easy part. 90% of folks I talk to have money but no deals. I have three investors waiting on me to find a deal to do with them. The more I learn about sales the more I realize that ideas are what make money.

I’m afraid:

Of what? Failing? Looking stupid? When you’re 90 years old, you’re not going to be upset about the times you tried and failed. You’re going to be upset by the things you were too afraid to try.

People around me don’t support/understand the idea:

I was buying rentals for other people when living in a dingy 600 sqft apartment with creepy neighbors. What we do as entrepreneurs doesn’t always make sense to those around us. They say you’re like the people you surround yourself with.

It’s too complex; I’ve been reading about it for years:

You, my friend, are using analysis paralysis as an excuse. I learned more on my first few deals than any book could have taught me.

I need a mentor:

Great. Email me. Or join a forum where people are willing to answer your questions and help you along.

There is conflicting information:

You can’t let other people form your opinions for you. You need to decide what is right for you and your family.

I don’t have all of the answers:

A smart investor gets people on their team who are smarter than them. I have a lawyer, tax guy, people who keep me accountable, a mentor, an insurance guy, a portfolio lender, and private investors. I don’t have all the answers either, but together we can cover a lot.

It’s risky:

I won’t lie to you. Real estate can be risky. The risk in REI is mitigated by knowledge and working with people more experienced than yourself.

Quit getting sold why you can’t do this. Sell yourself on why you must. Sales skills are life long transferable assets.



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