Your first priority upon arriving at a call is to make the seller comfortable.

“People buy from people they like.”

“A person won’t decide to sell to you in 30 seconds but they will decide not to.”

If you have done ANY kind of sales you have probably been clobbered by these quotes more times then you can count.

The first thing I do when I get to an appointment is try to learn as much about the seller as I can before I open my mouth. Have you ever seen Sherlock? Does deductive reasoning ring a bell? Do they have a lifted truck in the driveway? Is the lawn taken care of? Are they young? Elderly? Do they live alone? Do they have dogs?

What you are doing is not prejudging but looking for ways you can relate to the client.

With an elderly individual: I want them to think of me as their grandson.

With a “country” client: I understand where they are coming from and am transparent/simple.

With a professional: I am the answer to their problem and will take it from here.

Someone my age: I’ve been in a tough financial position and will do everything I can do get them out of the bind they are in.

If they can relate you to someone they already know they will subconsciously fill in the gaps themselves.

You want to mirror them in just a few small ways. If they talk slow I’m going to match their pace. If they are Ivy league educated I’m going to be professional and concise. If it’s a little old lady I’m going to tell her stories and treat her like my grandma. If they’ve got the lifted truck out front I’m going to talk cars and motors.

What I am getting at here is use your life experience to relate to the individual. Have you ever had a door to door salesman stop by? Did they seem cold, sterile, and rushed?

I’ve been told:

“I sold you my house because of the sweet smile.” “Working with you guys was like hanging out with my grand kids.” “I appreciate you solving this problem for my clients.”

Build rapport and close deals.


***This blog was originally post on by myself.

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