If you are new to Real Estate I want you to keep your pride in check. People will say things that come across rude. The only way you’re going to make it in this “game” is by letting it roll off of you. I see prideful hopefuls get leveled by seasoned pros all of the time. If you start puffing yourself up you’re going to end up on your back. Some of the time the comments may be deserved. Like the time I asked for REI book suggestions for on my honeymoon… (see below!)


Ps: This is what me trying to save face looks like! ^

But there may be times that you feel the remarks were undeserved. Here is how I “deal with the pressure”.

  1. Don’t respond immediately. – Give yourself sometime to cool down.
  2. Try and view the situation from their point of view
  3. Remember that your reputation isn’t worth the witty remark you want to respond with
  4. If they’ve done more in REI than you… Treat them with respect. They are your “elder”.
  5. Try and learn from their comment. How can you avoid that next time?
  6. If possible have someone else read your response.

I have my wife do #6 for me all the time. I have a tendency to get defensive. Being defensive will teach you nothing. I call people out on stuff all of the time. I probably offend some people. But I hope that they see my heart in the tough love. After all, pride comes before the fall.

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