Bandit signs are either loved or hated. You will find that they either work in your area or they don’t. I have always been a hardcore direct mail guy. In fact we’re dropping ten thousand pieces of mail this month alone. A guy I was buying a home from suggested that I give them a shot. I researched where they were “tolerated” and where I would get fined for placing them. After digging through statutes on county websites for a week or so I was ready to go.

Dirt Cheap Signs

I went over to and designed a sign. Now….. DO NOT do the yellow/black “We Buy Houses” that everyone and their mother is using. Come up with something unique that sets you apart. I personally used a white/baby blue theme. I ordered 150 of them at a cost of $2.45 a sign (including stakes). DCS provided a great quality of sign. Their turnaround was a little slower than I would have liked… So just order them a two weeks before you want them.

Use your time wisely!

If you’re like me I know you have better things to do than go stick these on street corners yourself. So I posted an ad on Craig’s List. I pad them $1.00 per sign they put out. They had to photograph everyone and give me the location of that sign as well. I spot checked them to make sure that they were actually out. (this was money well spent!)

My “employee’ only put out about 100 of them.


We got numerous calls from folks wanting to sell their properties. Some of the leads were absolute garbage. Some of them were worth going to check out. We met a gentleman who rehabs low end homes. He is looking to sell them in volume vs making a killing on each one. We wholesaled two homes from him and are looking at two more. With the bandit signs my cost per deal was a ridiculous $233. You can’t complain about that! I’m going to be ordering another thousand bandit signs for this month.

Ps: The signs in the featured image SUCK….

6 thoughts on “Bandit Signs Made Us Some Money This Month”

  1. Ryan, thank you for the shout out. All of us here at appreciate your business. We purchased another company and integrated it into our system which caused a delay in production, but have caught up and proud to be back on the 5 business day turnaround. Give us a call on your next order and we’ll get you out the door with a free 2 day rush! Hope you have a GREAT 2016!

  2. What kind of verbiage would you recommend for a bandit sign? It doesn’t seem like there are a lot of different options out there since we are all trying to convey the same message.

    1. I did “Cash For Your House. Any area. Any condition.” I did light blue bold lettering on a white background. It looks good and stands out. The important thing is to do something different. Think about when you’re driving. You start to not even notice the signs that you see all the time. But something new/different will catch your eye.

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