Your mindset can make or break you. There have a been a few books that I’ve read that have altered the course of my life and mindset. The Bible, 10X, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Agape Love, Outliers, The Screwtape Lettes, and many others. One of my favorite quotes is from Grant Cardone. I don’t recall the exact phrasing but the gist is that “If your problems aren’t big you’re not working hard enough.” I’ve really noticed this in my life lately. It seems like I’m hitting levels of success I never dreamed possible, while also running into issues I couldn’t have imagined. I went from a 24k Salary to expanding into 12 markets. I went from wondering if there was more to life than working for someone else to wondering why someone set one of my properties on fire.

I guess my entire reason for this post is to encourage those of you reading it. It’s really easy to look at the mountains we face in life and get discouraged. But we have to instead choose to focus on our families, our dreams, and the positives in our lives. My wife is fantastic in every way, my family is healthy, my business is expanding, I own a home, I’m a part of a wonderful church, I’ve partnered with some amazing individuals, I can see my dreams coming true, and I’m still breathing. I’ve found that the best way to keep your head up is to dwell on what is true, what is positive, and to not live with regrets.

A good friend of mine recently posted a quote on FaceBook that stated ” Stress doesn’t fix tomorrow’s problems. It only steals todays peace.”. So friends I encourage you to take stock of the blessings in your lives.


Those with a positive mindset can make the best of terrible situations.

Don’t live your life as a victim.

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