Call centers can make life WAY easier for investors. Hold on.. This isn’t a sales pitch. I’m not even publicly advertising for clients. Just giving you guys an update on what I’ve been up to.

We decided to ramp up our businesses. Think Grant Cardone 10x style. I’ve been the guy who does a deal every other month or so and I’m over it. I want to do over 100 deals a year. (Just wholesale) While rehabbing, renting, and providing turnkey. So we increased our marketing efforts considerably.

I got to the point where I was getting 5-10 calls a day and losing track of who was who, what I’d seen, when my appointments were, and what I needed to make offers on. (Plus if I’m being honest I get a total pit in my stomach when my phone rings… What if they’re mean?)

So far it’s working great. Through word of mouth we’ve got 7 or 8 other clients now. My calls are taken, screened, and scheduled for appointments. The whole idea is to remove and automate the systems as much as possible. So I’m not fussing with follow ups, returning voice mails, or managing mailing lists. It’s all done for me.

I really enjoy building systems and my experience made a call center just a logical progression. This has also allowed us to partner with other individuals and move into different markets. While also allowing us to stream line our local efforts. We have had a huge amount of positive reception from clients who enjoy the professionalism and not getting a voicemail. We’ve got a few other tips/tricks up our sleeves with some other systems that we’ll update you on as things progress. At this point I can only say that the call center has been a success.

2 thoughts on “Call Center is up and Running!”

    1. My staff actually uses Calendly to book our appointments. In our test it didn’t work great to have the motivated sellers themselves fill it out. So when they call in my staff screens for equity, motivation, reason for selling, condition, asking price, and books an appointment. Keep in mind some sellers don’t even have email. These guys aren’t going to be able to do this correctly on their own. I do like calendly for booking coaching, conference calls with other investors, and personal scheduling.

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